SPF Record Generator

Please note: I have made best efforts to ensure the information below is correct. But I highly recommend checking and validating the SPF record before updating it in your DNS. Please contact me if you spot any mistakes.

Select the email services that you use with your domain from the lists below. If you don't see the service you want, please send me a message to let me know.

Email Hosting

Transactional Email


Optionally, you can add the IP address of your own server to your SPF record. This is useful if you have a server that sends emails directly to the internet.

Custom Server

If you have a server that sends email, enter its IP address here

Now select the policy you want to apply with this SPF record. This is an important choice and is explained below.

Default Policy

Choose how to handle mail from unlisted servers:

  • Fail (-all): Recommended. Explicitly reject mail from unlisted servers. Use this if you're sure you've listed all legitimate sending servers.
  • Softfail (~all): Suggest rejection but don't enforce it. Useful during SPF testing or if you're unsure about all legitimate senders.
  • Neutral (?all): Take no position on unlisted servers. Not recommended as it doesn't help prevent email spoofing.