Day 28 Dev Notes

After yesterday's success updating requirements for Bus Times, I decided to do the same with the Amanzi website. This is an extremely simple Django site that serves a single static template from a view. No admin, or authentication, or databases required.

Should have been a simple update, but I decided to take this opportunity to also modernise the code base a bit by adding the pre-commit hooks I've been using on other projects. Which, of course, meant ensuring that everything was nicely formatted with Ruff. And then I noticed that the Whitenoise configuration was a bit out of date too, along with the Docker configuration too...

Long story short, ended up spending a couple of hours on this, tweaking the config, pushing Docker builds, and then troubleshooting why Whitenoise wasn't serving files correctly.

And then to make things worse, I noticed that my GitHub Actions were queuing up which meant my Docker builds weren't happening. So had to manually build and push the Docker images to GitHub and then trigger a re-pull on Portainer. Sounds complicated, but it's actually not - when it works!

Anyway, it's all working now, although I do have some Actions still queued - not sure what version of the codebase they are going to push. I might have to kick another one off tomorrow.

GitHub Link

GitHub Actions Delays