Day 16 Dev Notes

I didn't post any code on the 9th May, but I did launch a whole new project after my last post about updating "My Django X", so I'm going to claim that as keeping my streak alive.

After that post, I wanted to see how quickly I could spin up a functioning project, so I took something I had been playing with in Excel and converted it into a Django app. This formed the start of a new project called "Mortgage Tools".

We will need to be making some decisions about mortgage rates soon, and I had been working on a calculator to compare scenarios. For example, let's say I could lock in a 24-month fixed rate at 6.75% today, or, I could get a higher rate of 7.29% for 12 months with the hope of the rate dropping in the future. The question is, what would the rate have to drop by to make it worthwhile.

This is the first calculator on the project, but now that I have it set up, I will add a bunch of other related calculators to help make these decisions.

But while this is going to be super useful, the main aim was to see how quickly I could spin up a project using the mydjangox template. And I'm happy to say this was really quick and easy. The challenge now is to keep the template project up to date so that I can keep it useful.

GitHub Link

Posting this one retrospectively...