Day 10 Dev Notes

More refactoring again, renaming contentto postin various part of the code. I also made a couple of small functional changes:

I don't think I need to make too many more changes in its current state. My next focus will to convert djpress into a reusable package.

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Also added support for Markdown tables by adding it to the MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS constant. Amazingly, Github Copilot predicted that I wanted to add tables as the next value as soon as I had added the comma at the end of the list. Sometimes these LLM bots are pretty clever.

Env Name Env Value
SECRET_KEY The Django secret key to add to the file.
DEBUG Ensure this is set to False in production.
ALLOWED_HOSTS List of allowed hosts, e.g.,
EMAIL_HOST Name or IP address of the SMTP server.
EMAIL_PORT The port of the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_USER The username to authenticate with the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password for the SMTP server username.
EMAIL_USE_TLS Either True or False to use TLS.
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The email address to send emails from .
DB_ENGINE The database engine to use.
DB_NAME The database name to connect to. If using SQLite, this will be the filename without the extension.
DB_HOST Name or IP address of the database server.
DB_PORT The port of the database server.
DB_USER The username to authenticate with the database server.
DB_PASSWORD The password for the database server username.
WHITENOISE_STATIC Boolean value that turns on Whitenoise for serving static content.
ADMIN_URL The path to the Admin site so it can be hidden from easily being guessed.