Daily Dev Notes 2024/06/16

Refactored the pagination links today in DJ Press, and then added some new ones to give some more flexibility. I've always had a goal with this package to be able to create fairly complex templates without needing to understand the models or the context being sent by the views.

So after I created the first template tag to allow a single tag to produce a basic pagination block of code, I immediately wanted to be able to create custom pagination code. You can see the results on this blog, but effectively, I created template tags to support the following template code:

  {% is_paginated as paginated %}
  {% if paginated %}

    <span role="group">
      {% get_pagination_range as page_range %}
      {% get_pagination_current_page as current_page %}

      {% for page in page_range %}

        {% if page == current_page %}

          <button aria-current="true" disabled>{{ page }}</button>

        {% else %}

          <a href="?page={{ page }}" role="button" title="Go to page {{ page }}">{{ page }}</a>

        {% endif %}

      {% endfor %}

The three tags are:

I've built a similar group of pagination buttons with Pico CSS to the Pagination component included in the Bootstrap docs. And I'm pretty happy with it. 😀