Daily Dev Notes 2024/06/14

I caught up on the development I've done this week on DJ Press but running the Coverage reports and catching up on missing tests. I'm really enjoying testing at the moment - something we feels like a chore at first, becomes really satisfying when the testing improves the quality of the code too.

A lot of my coding is very much fly-by-wire. I'm sure if this was a professional environment, then it would be planned and structured much better. But usually I start out with a rough idea of what I want to achieve and I just start exploring the idea.

In saying that, I've implemented two new features this week without much planning, and they've both come out pretty good. I did refactor the template hierarchy code so that it's easier to test. This also means that I could build out this logic in the future, since it now sits in its own function.

I also implemented a new app for my stuartm.nz website. I haven't deployed this yet though, so will get back to that later.