Daily Dev Notes 2024/05/31

No real coding today, but did tidy up some infrastructure issues at home. I had been trying out GlichTip, which is a self-hosted Sentry alternative. I hadn't been super happy with it, but was giving it some time to collect some stats before making a decision on it.

I noticed that my Portainer interface was a bit slower than usual, which sent me on a troubleshooting deep-dive. What I discovered is that the Glitch container responsible for migrations, was starting and stopping repeatedly, and causing spikes of 100% CPU. I didn't really want to invest any more time on this, so I didn't bother investigating the issue. I just killed the stack, and then reconfigured the three sites to send data to Sentry.io instead.

I'm still on the free developer plan from Sentry. It's quite limited, but it's not really feasible to go onto one of their paid plans. The jump from a free developer plan to a "Teams plan" would be almost NZ$50 per month! So I don't feel bad using their free infrastructure.