Daily Dev Notes 2024/05/27

A lot of restructuring the DJ Press code base tonight, but I think I've got it into shape now. I can finally run my tests, and in doing so found some bugs that had crept in. I've also got my pre-commit hooks all updated and working again, which also meant that I got to clean up some mess that had crept in.

Overall it was a productive night, and I pushed out a new release which really only included one functional change, and that was to set a default BLOG_TITLE so that a new blog shows "My DJ Press Blog" in the header bar after installing. That's better than just having a blank bit of screen with a phantom link.

I still have some important admin to do. I need to get GitHub Actions working for me because the process of pushing out a change is very tedious and ripe for automation.

Then I can get back to functional changes. Next on the list is an idea I've got to improve the post_content template tag so that it returns truncated text when it's run in a loop. This is similar to how WordPress used to do it too, and I think I can make this work by looking for posts in the context and if so, only return truncated content. I could also add an argument to the template tag to force truncated text too. In my mind, this all should work, but it's late now, and I need to sleep.