Achievment Unlocked

I started this blog 31 days ago with the aim of committing code and blogging about it every day for a month. I've achieved that goal, and am now feeling more energised than ever to keep this going.

The main reason I did this was that I was stuck on a gnarly re-write of DJ Checkup and I couldn't get motivated to keep working on it. Then, I picked up James Clear's book Atomic Habits, and he talks a lot about starting small habits. So that was the idea: commit at least once per day, and blog about it.

It all started with needing somewhere to blog. I could have just used a WordPress blog, but I've long wanted to create a blog application, but never really had a reason to start it. So I whipped up a basic blog and had it running on localhost pretty quickly. From there, I got it deployed on my Portainer server with a GitHub action, and have continued to make steady progress to the point that DJ Press is now published as an installable package on PyPi.

A common theme over the last month has been to rely on my "AI friends" for help. I've switched between Claude, ChatGPT, Pi, Gemini, Perplexity, and Copilot integrated into VS Code. These have been a game-changer, and there's no way I would have been able to make this much progress so quickly.

I've still got loads to do, including some really fundamental things, like pagination, static posts, and a better default theme. The only change to this blog is that I won't bother with the "Day nn Dev Notes" blog titles, but I'll figure that out as I go.

Onwards and upwards!