Daily Dev Notes 2024/05/25

I took the plunge today and finally ripped out djpress into its own, stand-alone package. I mostly followed this guide from Django, which linked through to a tutorial on the Python Packaging site which explained how to build and upload it.

After following the steps, I managed to get the package deployed to PyPi, and created a new public repository to host the code!

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Posted on May 25, 2024 by

Categories: Development

Achievment Unlocked

I started this blog 31 days ago with the aim of committing code and blogging about it every day for a month. I've achieved that goal, and am now feeling more energised than ever to keep this going.

The main reason I did this was that I was stuck on a gnarly re-write of DJ Checkup and I couldn't get motivated to keep working on it. Then, I picked up James Clear's book Atomic Habits, and he talks a lot about starting small habits. So that was the idea: commit at least once per day, and blog about it.

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Posted on May 25, 2024 by

Categories: General