
Brief bio

I was born in England, but grew up in apartheid-era South Africa from the age of 7 in 1982. After school, I spent a year in the SA Infantry before working at Toyota Manufacturing for 5 years. Packed my bags and left for London in 1998, where I met my future wife, who brought me to her home in Wellington, New Zealand in 2002. We now have two rapidly-growing daughters, and I'm proud to call Wellington my home. My full-time day job is designing and implementing systems for government departments as a solution architect. But my part-time passion is learning Python and Django and developing web applications, with the dream of becoming self-supported with this venture.

Contacting me

My work experience is all documented on my LinkedIn profile - you're welcome to connect with me there.

I've really been enjoying the discord on Mastodon through the Fosstodon instance, although mostly as a place to read and follow Python and Django developers. You can find me there as @[email protected].

You're also welcome to email me to connect. Email address is stuart @ this domain, and I'm usually pretty quick to reply.

About this site

This site is predominantly driven by my DJ Press package.