Day 3 Dev Notes

I'm up in Auckland at the moment - the girls are at a concert, and I've been hanging in the hotel room, adding a couple of new features.

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Posted on Apr 26, 2024 by

Categories: Development

Day 2 Dev Notes

On Day 2 I worked on this site.

I tidied up the models, added more tests, tweaked the templates a bit, but most importantly I moved this into "production".

Production means it's running on my Docker infrastructure, has a Github build action that publishes a Docker image, and will re-deploy when pushing to the main branch.

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Posted on Apr 25, 2024 by

Categories: Development

Day 1 Dev Notes

On day 1 of this journey I created the dev version of this site with just two basic models and three views.

Github link

(That link is private for now)

Posted on Apr 24, 2024 by

Categories: Development

Hello, world!

Well, this is the first post on my site.

Custom developed on Django, this is meant as a learning environment where I can experiment with new Python/Django skills I learn. I will also use this to keep track of inflight projects with the aim of releasing actual products that generate income.

This site is intentionally starting off as a true minimum viable product. Over time, I'll build on the package that is providing the content management, and possibly I'll release this as a Django package on PyPI.

Posted on Apr 24, 2024 by

Categories: General

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