Day 12 Dev Notes

Just some tweaking of the PostHog integration this evening. Yesterday, I added the PostHog configuration and set it up so that the API key is loaded from the environment variables. But silly me - I forgot to add the environment variables to the Docker configuration, so they weren't being loaded into the app.

Today, I added the JavaScript integration to the Bus Times app. Still not sure what value it will add, but it's interesting to play with this stuff. Adding the JavaScript snippet posed a new challenge - I needed to include the API key in the JavaScript code, but I didn't want to hard code this in the template, and I didn't want to modify all the views to pass the key in the context. So with some help from my AI friends, I created a context processor, which isn't something I've used before in Django.

Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Created a file called in my Bus Times app directory.
  2. Used the following code to return the PostHog API key and the host, both of which are configurable.
"""Context processors for the bustimes_app app."""

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpRequest

def bustimes_context(_: HttpRequest) -> dict:
    """Add the PostHog API key and host to the context."""
    return {
        "POSTHOG_HOST": settings.POSTHOG_HOST,

A couple of interesting notes about this... I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, since I had conflicting and mixed recommendations from my AI friends. But this is the simplest approach I came up with after considering the advice. The only argument in the bustimes_context method is the request object, which is apparently a requirement for context processors. But since request isn't accessed in this function, I renamed it to _ to indicate that it's not needed in the function, and this prevents the IDE from giving warnings about it not being accessed.

  1. Added "bustimes_app.context_processors.bustimes_context" to the context_processors section in the TEMPLATES configuration in the project settings.

  2. Then I can access the values in my template files like this: posthog.init('{{ POSTHOG_APIKEY }}',{api_host:"{{ POSTHOG_HOST }}"})

That all seemed to work pretty well for now, but it reminded me that I really need to investigate context processors further to understand what they can do and how/when to use them.

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