Day 10 Dev Notes

More refactoring again, renaming contentto postin various part of the code. I also made a couple of small functional changes:

  • Added a author_display_name property to the Post model. All this does right now is show the first name if it's set, otherwise it shows the username, but this could be more configurable in the future.
  • I move the Markdown extensions that are loaded, into the settings file as a constant called MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS. I may use this to help decide whether to load the Pygments CSS file since that's only needed if the codehilite extension is used. But that's something to think about another day, since there are some other concerns with making this too configurable.

I don't think I need to make too many more changes in its current state. My next focus will to convert djpress into a reusable package.

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Also added support for Markdown tables by adding it to the MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS constant. Amazingly, Github Copilot predicted that I wanted to add tables as the next value as soon as I had added the comma at the end of the list. Sometimes these LLM bots are pretty clever.

Env Name Env Value
SECRET_KEY The Django secret key to add to the file.
DEBUG Ensure this is set to False in production.
ALLOWED_HOSTS List of allowed hosts, e.g.,
EMAIL_HOST Name or IP address of the SMTP server.
EMAIL_PORT The port of the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_USER The username to authenticate with the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password for the SMTP server username.
EMAIL_USE_TLS Either True or False to use TLS.
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The email address to send emails from .
DB_ENGINE The database engine to use.
DB_NAME The database name to connect to. If using SQLite, this will be the filename without the extension.
DB_HOST Name or IP address of the database server.
DB_PORT The port of the database server.
DB_USER The username to authenticate with the database server.
DB_PASSWORD The password for the database server username.
WHITENOISE_STATIC Boolean value that turns on Whitenoise for serving static content.
ADMIN_URL The path to the Admin site so it can be hidden from easily being guessed.